Why have you failed to learn to speak Spanish?


Why have you failed to learn to speak Spanish?

The main reason most people fail to speak Spanish is very simple.

Most Spanish instruction is based on a grammar approach and not geared towards conversational Spanish.

Let’s look at the facts.Se habla español speak Spanish

The vast majority of people that have studied Spanish only a small fraction actually feel confident speaking Spanish with native speakers.

If you are one of those in the majority of failed language learns, it is not your fault.

This doesn’t have to be you!

You can learn to speak Spanish!

However, a word of philosophical caution:  If you attempt to go about something again and again the same way expecting different results, it just won’t happen as that is the definition of insanity.

Yes, it is unfortunate, but it can be overcome.

You can break through the Spanish speaking language barrier if you know what your goal is and if you know how to find the appropriate materials that will allow you to reach that goal.

As always, establishing what your goal is will be the first step in determining what course of action you’ll need to take.

Since we are all unique, the only one to answer this question is you.

Take a minute and think about why you want to speak Spanish.

  1. Do you want to travel to a Spanish speaking country?
  2. Maybe you have a significant other that speaks Spanish and you want to communicate with that person and or their family.
  3. You want to check off learning a foreign language from your bucket list.
  4. Maybe you hope to finally get a realistic return on your investment for all the hours that you spent studying Spanish years ago.

What ever your reason may be, evaluate how much fulfilling that desire means to you.

You might also want to articulate (at least to yourself) what you are willing to do in order to attain that goal.

Chances are that you have, at some point, studied Spanish with the hopes of communicating with native speakers.

Also, chances are that you have never felt confident doing it.

It’s quite possible that you feel that although you want it to become a reality, it just isn’t possible.

Fortunately, that is a misconception.

Speaking Spanish at any age is attainable.

This statement bears repeating, Speaking Spanish at any age is attainable.

It’s the “Sí Se Puede” attitude.

It won’t happen overnight, but if you persist, you can do it!

For starters, you’ve more than likely had so many failed attempts at feeling inadequate when you’ve tried to speak Spanish and either gotten so tongue tied or frustrated that you’ve given up all hope that you will ever speak Spanish.

You are not alone.

The good news is that even though you may not believe it, you probably know more Spanish than you think.

And, that knowledge will help you progress faster than you might expect.

The theory of Recall of Memory states that you will begin to remember what you have previously learned once you reinitiate your studies.

So, if you determine what your goal is, commit to what will be necessary to accomplish it, and access the right materials that meet your needs, you will have the action plan that will get you to where you want to go.

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